Join Us for The Center for Empowerment and Education’s Virtual Annual Meeting
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 7:00-8:00 PM
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 7:00-8:00 PM
We support our clients with a network of available agencies and community resources. The Center for Empowerment and Education’s referral system consists of many resources including legal, medical, financial, housing, and mental health care providers.
Remember, you have the right to live without fear and violence.
Possible ways the court can help
Restraining Order (Civil) or Temporary Restraining Order
A Restraining Order is an order you can apply for in civil court if there is a history of violence in your relationship. A judge will decide whether or not it will be granted. The judge can order your partner not to hurt or harass you. The judge may also order your partner to move out of your home and order that you have temporary custody of your children. There is no fee for filing a restraining order in court and the State pays for the marshals to serve restraining orders.
A protective order or restraining order may not help you if your partner does not care about breaking the law or following a court order. It is possible that your partner will not care about the order and that you will continue to be hurt even if you have an order.
If you have questions or concerns about protective and/or restraining orders, please call our Hotline at 203.731.5206. We also have staff members in court and at CEE who can possibly help you get protective orders.
Protective Orders (Criminal)
A Protective Order is made by a criminal court judge against a person who was arrested for stalking or a family crime. This order tells your partner not to hit you, harass you, contact your children, come to your home, come to your place of employment, any combination of these, or any protection the judge thinks is appropriate.
The protective order will last until the end of the criminal case, unless the judge has ended the protective order before then. The specific conditions of the protective order can be modified or changed by the judge at any time. Only a judge can change the order.
In the deep cold of winter, Beth’s partner, provider, and her abuser, purposefully did not pay the energy bill. How would Beth keep herself and her three children warm without heat?